CMU 15-418 (Spring 2012) Final Project Report
Improving ISPC compilation using profiling output
Nipunn Koorapati
Main Project Page
I modified the ISPC compiler to use profiler output as a compilation hint. Specifically, I profiled to test for coherency at runtime at conditionals. I used the lane fill percentage to assist the compiler in deciding whether or not to emit specialized code paths for coherent execution.
ISPC is a compiler from a C-like language to SIMD vector instructions in x86. ISPC splits data into chunks of the SIMD width of the processor and executes them together using vector instructions. Upon conditional statements, the compiler emits code which masks the lanes appropriately in different sections of the conditional.
ISPC has special "coherent" conditionals (cif, cwhile, cdo, cfor), which emit instructions to test for the all-on lane condition and emit specialized mask-less code. There is a tradeoff between cif and if. In the case of coherent input, the cif emits faster code with less instructions. However, in the case of divergent input, cif emits code with extra checks and huge code bloat (multiple specialized code paths).
There is no way at compile to know how coherent the workload will be. This is why ISPC does not attempt to pick intelligently. It instead gives the programmer the option of using a different token to indicate coherency.
My plan was to give the compiler the ability to pick intelligently. Since at compile time, enough information does not even exist, I took statistics from runtime and looped them back into the compile phase.
I wrote a profiling function. When compiled with instrumentation on, the program will output data about lane fill percentages to a file. ISPC emits function calls to the profiling function at various "interesting" points in the code, namely conditionals.
Finally, I added a command line option to ispc to take in one of these profile output files. Then, at the point where the conditional is evaluated and code is generated, I checked the profiling data. If the profile data indicates coherency, then I had ispc emit a coherent execution path.
Use case:
ispc mycode.ispc --instrumented -o myprog
./myprog small.inp \> ispcprof.out
ispc mycode.ispc --profile-hint=ispcprof.out -o myprog
./myprog huge.inp (now runs slightly better!)

I tested using a sqrt program given here. I ran different versions of the sqrt function using while and cwhile for the inner loop of Newton's method.
Here are examples of lane sets from the randomized input and the coherent inputs which I used to the sqrt function. As you can see, the randomized input diverges heavily in the number of while loop iterations while the coherent input converges quickly.

My hypothesis is that while() will perform better on the divergent case and that cwhile() will perform better on the coherent case. I took some data to test this hypothesis, tested on both SSE3 and AVX instructions.

You can check out the actual numbers here.
The data backs up my hypothesis, but only just barely. Espcially, on AVX, the difference between cwhile() and while() is very small. This makes sense, since the overhead of mask instructions is quite low on AVX. On SSE3, the difference is more noticeable. Either way, the optimization is there, even if the speedup is small
I measured the percentage of lane-sets in which the mask was all-on. This directly correlates to the percentage of x86 loop iterations in which the optimized code path is taken. When this percentage is sufficiently high (I used 95%), then it is worth emitting an optimized-for-all-on code path like cwhile() does. Otherwise, it's better to not do the check at runtime since the check is usually a waste of instructions. These lane all-on percentages are saved to a file.
Later, during a recompilation phase, the ispc compiler will read the profiling file and intelligently choose whether to emit the specialized all-on code path. After recompiling with my optimization, I found that the code produced functioned either exactly like while() or exactly like cwhile() (as expected). When I profiled a run with coherent data, the newly recompiled executable was tuned to coherent data. When presented with coherent data, it would execute faster, but its performance would suffer on random data. On the other hand, when I profiled a run with random data, then the recompiled executable was tuned to random data. Random data would run slightly faster, but coherent data would run a bit slower.
Next Steps
I envision this style of optimization being useful in scenarios where it is difficult for the programmer to determine which conditionals are most coherent. Now the programmer doesn't have the burden of guessing whether to use cif or if. Furthermore, there are other types of optimizations that can come from knowledge of profile data (uniform vs varying prediction!). Several of these small optimizations combined could lead to significant code generation improvements. These improvements aren't worth the effort to do by hand, but are perfect for a compiler.
I plan on cleaning up this profiling technique and pull-requesting it into ispc. Hopefully you'll see this sort of thing more commonly.
Things I tried but didn't use
I tried to use hardware performance counters as part of my profiling function, but I found that they weren't helpful (for various reasons). First of all, the instructions are privileged, so you must install drivers to get to use them. This means that it is completely hardware and OS dependent. Furthermore, either the user would have to install bizzare nonstandard drivers (like ones written by Agner Fog), or would have to run ispc as admin. The stats I needed were just as accessible without hardware counters, so I didn't use them.
References and links
ISPC Project Page
Matt Pharr (Creator of ISPC)
Intel Intrinsic Guide to SIMD instructions
My github page